XM2 EARTH drives innovation in every aspect of our work. Not only have we built the largest cinemaphotography drone in the world - we manufacture and develop in-house with our team across the globe. Our current projects involve drone mounting solutions for aiding the electricity market and high-power tether drones.

We have an important relationship with the largest universities in Australia, including Melbourne University and Monash University to continue to push drones for research and development.

XM2 EARTH is a successful provider of technology for clients such as DELWP, Zoo’s Victoria, and Melbourne Waters.


 Our Services

  1. Design and manufacture in-house remote platform solutions

  2. Aid scientific research to give researchers the necessary tools for scientific inquiry

  3. Testing of payload solutions

  4. Drone consulting


Bringing the Expertise in Aerospace and Electrical Engineering to Mars

Learn how we helped with MARS 2020.


Innovate for Emergency Protection

We have helped government organisations and private businesses to push for their businesses to be smarter in the way they operate technology. Our expertise gives just that.


Want to learn more about our R&D


We Have Partnered with Australia’s Largest Universities to Continue to Innovate

We have built custom drone solutions for aerial mascots, drone delivery, and in-depth scientific research.

Our team of engineers and relationship to universities can elevate your idea to becoming reality