At XM2 EARTH, we are passionate about finding ways to improve the way we use and sustain energy sources. We believe technology can be used to transition the way we have traditionally consumed energy. Until recently, methods of maintenance have been costly and time-poor. Our methods have reduced costs and improve efficiencies for companies to keep their business running.

Our technology and experienced staff are capable of finding ways for your business to help guide your business to delivering data on important assets and sustainable approaches.

XM2 Tango light set up for inspection

XM2 Tango light set up for inspection

Our Services

Safety | Efficient | Experienced

  1. Solar Panel Inspections

  2. Wind Turbine inspections

  3. Agricultural selective spraying

  4. Nuclear inspections


How are drones supporting renewable energy?


Solar Panel Checks

XM2 EARTH uses the latest drones to inspect your solar panels. Reducing harm to your employees and saving your business money.



Warrabkook NDVI.JPG

Precision Agriculture to Reduce Spraying

We provide valuable data to farms to ensure farmers are not wasteful in the way they treat their land.

Insightful data reduces waste and betters the environment.